George Clooney Used Arnold Schwarzeneggers Name As An Alias

George Clooney is quite the prankster!

The actor revealed that he used to use the name Arnold Schwarzenegger as an alias while checking into hotels, so that he could get a good laugh when being addressed by the name.

Aliases are a common thing for celebrities to use, to avoid being crushed by fans, the paparazzi and the media.

He said that he used to use the former Governors name earlier in his career, just for the chuckles. He said, The funny thing is, when you stay in a hotel, no matter what alias you use, all of the people at the hotel have to use that name. So I would always go as Arnold Schwarzenegger. And then they would go, Right away, Mr. Schwarzenegger! And it made me laugh. But Ive had to change that!

Hes a funny character, isnt he? Could you imagine all of the hotel staff addressing him that way, knowing who he really is? Hes quite the prankster, for sure.

What alias would you use in hotels if you were a celebrity? Sound off in the comments below!

Photo Credit: David Bodrick/DMBJ/
